What changed?
PageSpeed Insights version 5 is now based on another speed tool developed by Google called Lighthouse to evaluate the speed of your site. You can read more about this here.
PageSpeed Insights v5 places a different level of importance on various factors affecting speed when generating a score compared to v4.
While there are some positives to this change, there are some updates that just don’t make sense for merchants like yourself.
My scores dropped, is my shop slower?
No. Your shop is no slower than it was before this change.
Many merchants who previously had strong PageSpeed scores have seen notable drops, especially in mobile scores.
How does Plug in Speed help?
Plug in Speed will continue to help your real-world speed the same as it always has.
Image and code optimizations continue to be a key component of maintaining a healthy speed and ensuring that your customers have a faster experience on your site.
What else can I do?
Some common speed issues that we’ve seen are:
Using too many Shopify apps
Using heavyweight Shopify apps which load many resources
Displaying a large amount of content on a page
Dimensionally large images (we optimize file size but do not resize dimensions in order not to break themes)
Including large or duplicate CSS or JavaScript assets in your theme
Loading too many webfont variations in your theme
Many of these speed issues are complex need to be resolved on a case-by-case basis with a developer.
If you'd like a free analysis of which apps and other factors are having the most significant impact on your speed email us at [email protected]. We’d be happy to provide you with a personalised report.
Any other questions? Just email us, we’re here to help.