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Uninstall Plug in Speed
Mike Simmons avatar
Written by Mike Simmons
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Image Optimizations

If you'd like to uninstall Plug in Speed, first decide if you want to restore all of the images from backup (if they have been optimized less than 30 days ago).

If you want to restore them go to the Plug in Speed app > Settings (the cog icon in the top right). In the image optimizations section push 'restore all'.

The restore process will begin. You'll receive an email when it is complete. Depending on how many images you have, this could take up to a day. If it's longer than a day and you haven't received an email please email [email protected].

Code Optimizations

Go to the Plug in Speed app > Settings (the cog icon in the top right). Under code optimizations push the toggle to turn all code optimizations off.

The disabling of code optimizations begins. You'll receive an email when it is complete. Depending on how big your theme is, this could take up to 3 hours. If it's longer than 3 hours and you haven't received an email please email [email protected].

Remove the app

Once the image backups have been restored (optional) and code optimizations disabled, delete the app from your Shopify admin.

After uninstalling there may be some leftover code in your theme. We would love to do a clean uninstall, however Shopify removes our access instantly when you uninstall making that impossible.

Instead, we can clean up all of this for you (of course for no charge). Just email [email protected], we'll request a collaborator account, you approve that and we'll clean everything up.

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